Interior Architect Morgan Chu had a vision for a furniture line of the moment. Opposing the idea of heirlooms, he designs pieces to shape your space now; not for years to come. Glyph combines a subtle sensibility with innovative design. Inspired forms, intriguing materials and a touch of eccentricity come together to create the inimitable: a suite of pieces that capture the independent spirit of contemporary style.
From this comes our mission: to design pieces that inspire a lifestyle of unexpected comfort. Unexpected is the underpinning of our visual identity system. From playfully placed typography and glyph forms to our primary color Acrylic Green, the system is distinctly nuanced.
The system is supported by glyph patterns that can be used to form the namesake or as individual letter / symbols.
Our grid system is based on our five glyphs, thus creating five columns and six rows where the information can be placed.
Role: Design Director
Studio: MA’AM
Creative Strategist: Kristina C. Unker
Lead Designer: Jessica Cullen
Designer: deLana Fernandez
Copywriter: Amelia Stein